Thank you for your interest on my program “EmPOWERed Esteem” for your organization.
This Program is geared at girls and their mom/mentor (this can also be changed to just girls/class etc) and is organized by age levels.
The EmPOWERed Esteem Program includes:
- The Dove real Beauty Campaign Program
- Leanne Power’s POWER UP Esteem activities
- PHOTO!! ( fun photo booth or mom/mentor/daughter)
- You Are Sooooo Beautiful Book Reading and Discussion
- You Are Sooooo Beautiful Wrap up Activity
- Signed copies of Leanne Power’s Book – You Are Sooooo Beautiful
- Monthly newsletter/tips
This Powerful Program will connect the participants and bond a relationship full of trust, open communication and EmPOWERed Esteem. The nature of the coupled girl and mom/mentor pair will enable the concepts to sustain once they leave the program
EmPOWERed Esteem is delivered in either 4 or 6 hours which can be taught all in one day or broken down to suit your scheduling needs.
I am truly looking forward to sharing my message and passion for EmPOWERed Esteem with you and your organization. If you have any questions, please call me at 780 717 4911 or email me at